Filipinos happen to be rich in traditions and keep their culture close. As a result, there are a number of traditions that couples in the Philippines will need to incorporate into their weddings.


The initial stage of the Filipino marriage is the pamamanhikan, a formal proposal ceremony in which a home-owners groom goes toward his potential bride’s home and asks her parents with regards to blessings. This is also a time meant for the couple to get to know the other person, their respective tourists, and discuss everything from budget to place to visitor list.

Engagement Ring

Though a diamond is the traditional diamond ring for betrothed Filipinos, a few the entire family choose to offer a treasured friends and family heirloom as an engagement ring instead. This is to symbolize her acceptance within their family and their approval of her choice of partner.

Lighting the Unity Candlestick

During a Filipino wedding ceremony, both the wedding couple light a candle to symbolize their families enrolling in at the same time as one. This really is a heartwarming tradition and an important symbol of the appreciate that they reveal for one one more.

Blessings from Mother & Dad

Whether they’re Filipino-American, Muslim, or Christian, the bride and groom ask for their particular parents’ blessings during the wedding. This is one common custom that is certainly still utilized today.

Funds Dance

At the start of a Filipino reception, the bride and groom execute a money flow. During this routine, guests flag money to the marriage attendants’ dresses as a form of appreciation. This kind of tradition filipino guy dating tips filipina brides is not only an exciting way for the bride and groom to receive financial gifts, nevertheless it’s also a symbol of hope that they may own prosperity together.

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